Everyone has many tasks in their workplace.
Various fields like film production and animation, game building, and many other areas, as well as large organizations, can make things easier for themselves with Taskulu.
The tasks are usually arranged in a way that they are not very short or very long. If we try to give you an example, we can point to update software, purchase, follow up for marketing, probable problems, etc.You can enter descriptions, assign task to people, upload file in it, comment, set a deadline, create checklists and so on.
After creating lists and sheets it’s time to create tasks. if you want to know about lists and sheets click on About Taskulu.
Click on the + button in each list, type the title of the task, press enter or click on the + and create it.
Here is a gif that helps you create tasks easily.
An easy way to create a task is to hover over a list and press “N”.
You have to be the manager of a list or sheet to create a task in it.
see Teams ans Access
When a task is open you can see the date and the creator on the second line
Also You Can:
Add Description: In this part you can add some necessary information like why this task is created or what is its purpose. You can press the "E" button as a shortcut to this.
You can change the style of your note by using Markdowns.
Add Files: Upload files that are needed to be in the task.
You have to be manager of a list to upload file from here directly, otherwise you have to upload it from comments.
Comments: This part is for exchanging information, progress level and any useful details.
You can upload files here, Mention users, Mention tasks and use emoji.
Also the "C" button is a shortcut for comments.