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Task management

Sometimes you need to delete a task, or just change the title. Deleting Tasks If you want to delete a task, click on it once, to open task modal. Then click on "More Settings" and select delete. Notice that if you delete a task all the files and comments will be deleted and you can’t bring them back...
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Sharing a Task
Taskulu has a sharing option for tasks. It is for sharing a task with someone out of the project. You can open a task and share it from "More Options" as you can see below: If you enter an email, a link of the task will be sent directly to that email address. otherwise you can save the link by...
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You could add multiple checklists to your tasks. Checklists help you to keep track of different "to do" items within a task and make managing tasks a lot easier and more convenient. Editing and deleting checklists is also possible in Taskulu. You could edit simply by clicking on the checklist. For...
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In Taskulu, you can easily move tasks between different lists and sheets of the same project, in case you need task moving for your workflow or any other reason. Moving Tasks between Sheets and Lists Moving a task will be shown to everyone. There are two ways for moving tasks between sheets and...
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Everyone has many tasks in their workplace. Various fields like film production and animation, game building, and many other areas, as well as large organizations, can make things easier for themselves with Taskulu. The tasks are usually arranged in a way that they are not very short or very long...
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By assigning tasks to members, you let them know which tasks they should be working on. The members could use timelogsonly for tasks you assigned to them. For adding members to a task, click the task to open it, and then choose "Members" from the right side of the modal or press the "M" button. Type...
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Adding Start Time to Task
You can add start time for your tasks in Taskulu. After setting the start time, Taskulu will send you email notifications a week, a day an an hour before the time you've set . If you set a start time for less than an hour, you won’t receive any notifications. Emails are sent only for the tasks that...
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You can add deadlines to your tasks in Taskulu. After setting the deadline, Taskulu will send you email notifications a week, a day an an hour before the time you've set your deadline to. If you set a deadline less than an hour you won’t receive any notifications Emails are sent only for the tasks...
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You could categorize your tasks by using color labels. In Taskulu you have six color labels and one colorless label. Adding Labels to Tasks For adding a label color to a task click on the task to open task modal Then find "Set color" and select the label. Or you can press the 0,1,2...6 0 is for...
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Over time and in the process of doing tasks, the number of tasks you have done will increase. You can archive the tasks that are not needed to be in tasks page right now. Task archiving does not change any information in the task and by archiving a task of a list with that name will be created in...
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Copying Tasks
Sometimes you need to have similar tasks with similar checklists or members, for example tasks that repeat every week. In Taskulu, you can copy tasks to lists and sections of a project. You should do this manually. Copying Task between projects is not yet possible. For copying tasks, open task, find...
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You can move the items in the checklists you created inside tasks by dragging and dropping them. Adding Checklist
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Task Weight
Taskulu has the option to select the weight of the task, which is only active in professional and business plans. Task weight can be anything that you decide for your project. For example, time estimation for tasks, priority, cost estimation, and so on. By default, the unit for task weight is hour...
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