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Taskulu Knowledge Base

Learn how to get started, and skilled, with Taskulu


Adding and Removing Project Members
The project owner and admins can add or remove members in projects. Adding Members to Project You can add new members by writing down their email address. They receive the invitation on their mailbox. You could also select a team for your new member when you're inviting them so you can give them...
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Introduction to Taskulu
Nowadays managing work is very complicated. There is a need for a professional planner for each company. But now it's time for IT to come to the rescue. Taskulu is a collaborative project management software that helps you do your works in a simple and organized manner. Here we want to talk about...
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Set Up your Project
Before starting to use Taskulu, you need to know your workflow, including the steps you take, the people or teams involved in doing things, and so on. For the beginning, you need to create an organization or a personal project. The nature of each project depends on a lot of factors, but typically...
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Adding and Removing Organization Members
After creating an organization, you can add members to your organization by entering their email address. The owner of the organization is the only one who have access to Manage Members. To add members to the organization, click on the "Settings" button next to the organization name on the main page...
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Create an Organization
Organization is the largest division within Taskulu. You can create endless projects inside each organization. When you have an organization, it becomes easier to add members to projects. You can also upgrade your organization to a business plan and use features such as video calling, Taskulu...
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Create Projects
Project is the second biggest category of Taskulu right after organizaion.In projects, you create tasks in lists and sheets and organize whatever that’s needed to be done.To create a new project, go to "Home" page, and click on + icon.Type in the title of your project and click on creat You can also...
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Create a new account
To create a Taskulu account, you'll need to use an email address that is not already used in Taskulu. For registeration, go to and then click on Login/Register. Click on “Register” and write your username, email and password, and click on Register. Password must be at least 10 characters...
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