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Organization and projects

Moving Personal Projects to Organization
For using some features in Taskulu, such as Video Calls or Analytics, you need to have an organization. But it's possible to move an existing personal project to an organization. For this, open the project and go to "Settings". Open "Project Settings" and find "Organization" in the "Project Overview...
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Leaving Organization and Project
If you want to remove a project or organization but you're not the owner, you need to leave the organization or project. You can do this from the organization or project's settings. Leaving Organization Leaving Project
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Starred Projects
There are some projects that are more important to you than others.You can star them, then a new section will be added to your Home Page with the title "Starred Projects". Notice that starring projects changes the interface for you only. Of course, the starred project is still in its place.To apply...
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Editing Color Labels
You could categorize your tasks by using color labels. In Taskulu you have six color labels and one colorless label. For editing the title of labels you must Admin or owner in projectthen, click on "Settings" and select "Project Settings", then go to "Color Labels" tab. For activating the edit mode...
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Editing Sections
By default, Taskulu has three sections: To do, Doing and Done , but you could edit these titles in different projects. You could also add one more section if you needed. If you edit sections in a project , the changes apply to all of the sheets and lists of that project To edit sections, click on...
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Moving Lists and Sheets
In Taskulu, you can easily move lists between different sheets of a project. Moving Lists between Sheets There are two ways of moving lists between sheets.The first way is to click on the gear icon on top right corner of the list, and send the list to your desired sheet. The second way is to drag...
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Changing Project Name
If you're the owner or admin of the project, you can change project's name. To change project's name, click on "Settings", open "Project Setting" and select "Project Overview", then click on the pen icon and edit project title and save.
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Closing Organization
You can close your Taskulu organizations when you finished working on its projects. You must be the organization owner to be able to close it. Go to your Home Page.Click on organization settings, then click on "Close Organization". When you close an organization, all of its projects automatically...
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You can change the name of an organization in "Home" page Only the organization owner can perform this action.​ Click on Settings button next to the organization name and go to Organization Settings. In the Organization Settings tab click on the name box and change the organization’s name.
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Deleting Organization
If you want to delete an organization, you should close that organization first. The owner of the organization is the only person who can delete it. If you are not the owner, you can leave the organization. If you delete an organization, all the subprojects in that organization will also be deleted...
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Closing projects
For reading about how to delete projects please click here. Closed projects are only viewable by the project owner. To close your own project on Taskulu, click on "Settings" and select "Project Settings". Then find "Advanced" tab and click on "Close" buttun. You could view your closed projects by...
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Deleting Projects
If you want to delete a project, you should close that project first. After that, open the "Closed Projects" page. Open the project. go to "Project Settings" and open the "Advanced" tab. You need to write down the title of the project in the box, so you could delete the project. he owner of the...
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Change the Organization of Projects
Sometimes after creating a project inside an organization, you decide to move it to another organization or change it into a personal project. In order to do this, open the project and go to "Settings", open "Project Settings" and find "Organization" in the "Project Overview" tab.
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Sheet and List Setting
Sheets You can open sheet settings by clicking on the gear icon. The gear icon may not be visible if you have too many sheets in you projects,. When that happens, you should just click on the arrow icon to see the settings. In this part you can create new sheets, and also rename, rearrange and...
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Archive and Recycle Lists
Archive After getting tasks done, you need to archive some lists. You can recyclearchived lists whenever you need to. To archive a list, click the gear icon in the top bar of the list and select "Archive". You should have access to manage the sheet or list to be ablee to archive them. Recycle lists...
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Deleting Sheets and Lists
In Taskulu you can easily delete sheets (which are also called tabs) and lists. Although, you need to have a certain level of access to be able to do that. Deleting Sheets For deleting a sheet, click on the gear icon and select "Manage Sheets". Sometimes sheets are hidden and you need to click on...
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Copying Lists
Sometimes you need to copy the lists you created in your project. These lists can be your daily or weekly tasks, which need to be repeated. You can make a copy of the tasklists, along with all the information you have on them. Copying the list between different projects is not yet possible. To copy...
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